{ config, lib, inputs, pkgs, ... }: { imports = [ ./hardware-configuration.nix ../../system/monitoring ]; # Sops stuff sops.defaultSopsFile = ../../secrets/gunter/secrets.yaml; sops.age.keyFile = "/var/lib/sops-nix/key.txt"; sops.age.generateKey = true; sops.secrets."gotify_tokens/backup-home" = { }; # Enable microcode updates hardware.enableRedistributableFirmware = true; # Bootloader stuff boot = { # Kernel stuff kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_latest; # kernelPackages = lib.warn "Pinned to kernel 6.12 due to v4l2loopback trouble! PR 375833" pkgs.linuxPackages_6_12; kernelParams = [ "quiet" "splash" "rd.systemd.show_status=false" ]; extraModprobeConfig = '' options v4l2loopback exclusive_caps=1 card_label="Virtual Camera" ''; # Bootloader stuff loader.systemd-boot = { enable = true; configurationLimit = 10; }; loader.efi = { canTouchEfiVariables = true; }; supportedFilesystems = [ "nfs" ]; }; # Networking stuff networking.hostName = "gunter"; # Define your hostname. networking.networkmanager.enable = true; networking.nftables.enable = true; networking.firewall = { enable = true; }; # Set time stuff time.timeZone = "Europe/Oslo"; # Enable graphics hardware.graphics = { enable = true; extraPackages = with pkgs; [ vaapiVdpau nvidia-vaapi-driver ]; }; # Nvidia stuff hardware.nvidia = { modesetting.enable = true; powerManagement.enable = false; powerManagement.finegrained = false; open = true; nvidiaSettings = false; package = config.boot.kernelPackages.nvidiaPackages.beta; # package = config.boot.kernelPackages.nvidiaPackages.mkDriver { # version = "560.28.03"; # sha256_64bit = "sha256-martv18vngYBJw1IFUCAaYr+uc65KtlHAMdLMdtQJ+Y="; # sha256_aarch64 = lib.fakeHash; # openSha256 = "sha256-asGpqOpU0tIO9QqceA8XRn5L27OiBFuI9RZ1NjSVwaM="; # settingsSha256 = lib.fakeHash; # persistencedSha256 = lib.fakeSha256; # }; }; # Setup hyprland # nixpkgs.overlays = [ # (self: super: { # hyprland = super.hyprland.override { # debug = true; # }; # }) # ]; services.xserver.enable = true; services.xserver.videoDrivers = [ "nvidia" ]; services.xserver.displayManager.gdm.wayland = true; services.xserver.displayManager.lightdm.enable = false; services.xserver.displayManager.startx.enable = true; services.xserver.windowManager.i3.enable = true; programs.hyprland = { enable = true; xwayland.enable = true; portalPackage = pkgs.xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland; }; # Setup common XDG env vars environment.sessionVariables = rec { XDG_CACHE_HOME = "$HOME/.cache"; XDG_CONFIG_HOME = "$HOME/.config"; XDG_DATA_HOME = "$HOME/.local/share"; XDG_STATE_HOME = "$HOME/.local/state"; XDG_BIN_HOME = "$HOME/.local/bin"; PATH = [ "${XDG_BIN_HOME}" ]; }; # Setup xdg portal xdg.portal = { enable = true; xdgOpenUsePortal = true; extraPortals = ( with pkgs; [ # unstable.xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland xdg-desktop-portal-gtk ] ); }; # Enable flakes nix.settings = { experimental-features = [ "nix-command" "flakes" ]; trusted-users = [ "root" "torjus" ]; trusted-substituters = [ "https://nix-cache.home.2rjus.net" "https://cache.nixos.org" "https://cuda-maintainers.cachix.org" ]; substituters = [ "https://nix-cache.home.2rjus.net" "https://cache.nixos.org" "https://cuda-maintainers.cachix.org" ]; trusted-public-keys = [ "nix-cache.home.2rjus.net-1:2kowZOG6pvhoK4AHVO3alBlvcghH20wchzoR0V86UWI=" "cache.nixos.org-1:6NCHdD59X431o0gWypbMrAURkbJ16ZPMQFGspcDShjY=" "cuda-maintainers.cachix.org-1:0dq3bujKpuEPMCX6U4WylrUDZ9JyUG0VpVZa7CNfq5E=" ]; }; nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true; # Install system-wide packages environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ curl git libnotify usbutils vim wget v4l-utils nmap (lib.mkIf (config.system.name == "gunter") pciutils) # X shit # xorg.xorgserver # xorg.xinit # xorg.xf86inputevdev # xorg.xf86inputlibinput # xorg.xinit ]; services.udev.packages = [ pkgs.android-udev-rules ]; # Do NOT change this value unless you have manually inspected all the changes it would make to your configuration, # and migrated your data accordingly. # # For more information, see `man configuration.nix` or https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/stable/options#opt-system.stateVersion . system.stateVersion = "23.11"; # Did you read the comment? }