{ pkgs, osConfig, ... }: let withCuda = if (osConfig.system.name == "gunter") then true else false; in { imports = [ ./zoom.nix ]; home.packages = with pkgs; [ # CLI utils act age alvr bat bzip2 chromium croc devenv distrobox dust easyeffects eza fd ffmpeg file fzf glib grimblast ijq incus jq kitty kubectl lazygit lf ncdu nvd nurl nwg-look most pinentry pre-commit pulseaudio pulsemixer rbw restic ripgrep sidequest sops sshfs step-cli tea tldr tokei unzip ventoy wtype # Non-CLI stuff alacritty discord feh krita mpv mumble pamixer rofi-rbw-wayland spicetify-cli spotify virt-manager vmware-horizon-client yt-dlp # k8s tools cilium-cli cmctl k9s krew kubernetes-helm talosctl # Go stuff go delve gopls # js/ts nodejs nodePackages.pnpm typescript # Py stuff (python312.withPackages ( p: with p; [ requests ipython ] )) poetry ruff # rust stuff rustc cargo rust-analyzer # Homemade shit ghettoptt huecli nixprstatus # Stuff with overrides # Btop (btop.override { cudaSupport = withCuda; }) # PrismLauncher prismlauncher # From nix-packages flake path-of-building-beta awakened-poe-trade (pkgs.callPackage ./vintagestory.nix { }) ]; }