{ pkgs, osConfig, ... }: let withCuda = if (osConfig.system.name == "gunter") then true else false; pob = pkgs.qt6Packages.callPackage ../../packages/pob.nix { }; awakened-poe-trade = pkgs.callPackage ../../packages/awakened-poe-trade.nix { }; in { home.packages = with pkgs; [ # CLI utils age bat bzip2 croc devenv distrobox dust easyeffects eza fd ffmpeg file fzf glib go-task grimblast ijq incus jq kitty kubectl ncdu nvd nurl nwg-look pinentry pre-commit pulseaudio pulsemixer rbw restic ripgrep sops sshfs tldr tokei unzip ventoy zoxide # Non-CLI stuff alacritty discord feh krita mpv mumble pamixer rofi-rbw-wayland spicetify-cli spotify virt-manager vmware-horizon-client yt-dlp zoom-us # k8s tools cilium-cli cmctl k9s krew kubernetes-helm talosctl # Go stuff go delve gopls # js/ts nodejs nodePackages.pnpm typescript # Py stuff (python312.withPackages ( p: with p; [ requests ipython ] )) poetry ruff # rust stuff rustc cargo rust-analyzer # Homemade shit ghettoptt huecli # Stuff with overrides # Btop (btop.override { cudaSupport = withCuda; }) # PrismLauncher (prismlauncher.override { withWaylandGLFW = true; }) pob awakened-poe-trade ]; }