{ pkgs, ... }: { # Enable the Home Assistant service services.home-assistant = { enable = true; configWritable = true; config = null; extraPackages = python3Packages: with pkgs.python3Packages; [ zigpy-cc zigpy-znp zigpy-zigate zigpy-xbee zigpy-deconz gtts bellows radios paho-mqtt zha-quirks pyunifiprotect unifi-discovery universal-silabs-flasher python-roborock ]; customComponents = with pkgs.home-assistant-custom-components; [ ]; }; # Enable the mosquitto MQTT broker services.mosquitto = { enable = true; persistence = true; listeners = [ { acl = [ "pattern readwrite #" ]; omitPasswordAuth = true; settings.allow_anonymous = true; } ]; }; # Enable the zigbee2mqtt service services.zigbee2mqtt = { enable = true; settings = { permit_join = true; serial.port = "/dev/ttyUSB0"; }; }; }