Merge pull request '22-config-from-env' (#24) from 22-config-from-env into master
This commit is contained in:
@ -62,30 +62,23 @@ func ActionServe(c *cli.Context) error {
defer fileCloseFunc()
// Setup user store
userStore, userCloseFunc, err := cfg.Server.UserStoreConfig.GetStore()
dataStore, userCloseFunc, err := cfg.Server.DataStoreConfig.GetStore()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to initialize user store: %w", err)
defer userCloseFunc()
// Create initial admin-user if neccessary
if err := initializeUsers(userStore, serverLogger); err != nil {
if err := initializeUsers(dataStore, serverLogger); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error initializing store: %w", err)
// Setup cert store
// TODO: User proper store
certStore := store.NewMemoryStore()
// Setup cert-service
certSvc, err := certs.NewCertService(certStore, caCertBytes, caKeyBytes)
certSvc, err := certs.NewCertService(dataStore, caCertBytes, caKeyBytes)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error initializing certificate service: %w", err)
// Setup binary store
binaryStore := store.NewMemoryStore()
// Setup shutdown-handling
rootCtx, rootCancel := signal.NotifyContext(context.Background(), os.Interrupt)
defer rootCancel()
@ -114,14 +107,14 @@ func ActionServe(c *cli.Context) error {
// Setup cert-service
certServiceServer := server.NewCertServiceServer(certSvc, certStore, userStore)
certServiceServer := server.NewCertServiceServer(certSvc, dataStore, dataStore)
certServiceServer.Logger = certLogger
// Setup user-service
grpcUserServer := server.NewGRPCUserServiceServer(userStore, certSvc)
grpcUserServer := server.NewGRPCUserServiceServer(dataStore, certSvc)
grpcUserServer.Logger = logger.Named("USER")
binaryServer := server.NewBinaryServiceServer(binaryStore)
binaryServer := server.NewBinaryServiceServer(dataStore)
binaryServer.Logger = binsLogger
lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", grpcAddr)
@ -150,7 +143,7 @@ func ActionServe(c *cli.Context) error {
grpc.ChainUnaryInterceptor(interceptors.NewAuthInterceptor(userStore, certSvc, authLogger)),
grpc.ChainUnaryInterceptor(interceptors.NewAuthInterceptor(dataStore, certSvc, authLogger)),
pb.RegisterFileServiceServer(grpcServer, grpcFileServer)
pb.RegisterUserServiceServer(grpcServer, grpcUserServer)
@ -183,7 +176,7 @@ func ActionServe(c *cli.Context) error {
if c.IsSet("http-addr") {
httpAddr = c.String("http-addr")
httpServer := server.NewHTTPSever(s, binaryStore, srvCertBytes, cfg.Server.GRPCEndpoint)
httpServer := server.NewHTTPSever(s, dataStore, srvCertBytes, cfg.Server.GRPCEndpoint)
httpServer.Logger = httpLogger
httpServer.Addr = httpAddr
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ type ServerConfig struct {
LogLevel string `toml:"LogLevel"`
Hostname string `toml:"Hostname"`
GRPCEndpoint string `toml:"GRPCEndpoint"`
UserStoreConfig *ServerUserStoreConfig `toml:"UserStore"`
DataStoreConfig *ServerDataStoreConfig `toml:"DataStore"`
FileStoreConfig *ServerFileStoreConfig `toml:"FileStore"`
GRPC *ServerGRPCConfig `toml:"GRPC"`
HTTP *ServerHTTPConfig `toml:"HTTP"`
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ type ServerFileStoreConfig struct {
BoltStoreConfig *BoltStoreConfig `toml:"Bolt"`
type ServerUserStoreConfig struct {
type ServerDataStoreConfig struct {
Type string `toml:"Type"`
BoltStoreConfig *BoltStoreConfig `toml:"Bolt"`
@ -88,6 +88,13 @@ func FromDefault() *Config {
HTTP: &ServerHTTPConfig{
ListenAddr: ":8089",
DataStoreConfig: &ServerDataStoreConfig{
BoltStoreConfig: &BoltStoreConfig{},
FileStoreConfig: &ServerFileStoreConfig{
BoltStoreConfig: &BoltStoreConfig{},
FSStoreConfig: &FSStoreConfig{},
Client: &ClientConfig{
Certs: &CertificatePaths{},
@ -142,6 +149,149 @@ func FromDefaultLocations() (*Config, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("config not found")
func (c *Config) UpdateFromEnv() error {
// Server stuff
if val, found := os.LookupEnv("EZSHARE_SERVER_LOGLEVEL"); found {
c.Server.LogLevel = val
if val, found := os.LookupEnv("EZSHARE_SERVER_HOSTNAME"); found {
c.Server.Hostname = val
if val, found := os.LookupEnv("EZSHARE_SERVER_GRPCENDPOINT"); found {
c.Server.GRPCEndpoint = val
if val, found := os.LookupEnv("EZSHARE_SERVER_DATASTORE_TYPE"); found {
c.Server.DataStoreConfig.Type = val
if val, found := os.LookupEnv("EZSHARE_SERVER_DATASTORE_BOLT_PATH"); found {
c.Server.DataStoreConfig.BoltStoreConfig.Path = val
if val, found := os.LookupEnv("EZSHARE_SERVER_FILESTORE_TYPE"); found {
c.Server.FileStoreConfig.Type = val
if val, found := os.LookupEnv("EZSHARE_SERVER_FILESTORE_BOLT_PATH"); found {
c.Server.FileStoreConfig.BoltStoreConfig.Path = val
if val, found := os.LookupEnv("EZSHARE_SERVER_FILESTORE_FILESYSTEM_DIR"); found {
c.Server.FileStoreConfig.FSStoreConfig.Dir = val
if val, found := os.LookupEnv("EZSHARE_SERVER_GRPC_CACERTS_CERTIFICATEKEYPATH"); found {
c.Server.GRPC.CACerts.CertificateKeyPath = val
if val, found := os.LookupEnv("EZSHARE_SERVER_GRPC_CACERTS_CERTIFICATEPATH"); found {
c.Server.GRPC.CACerts.CertificatePath = val
if val, found := os.LookupEnv("EZSHARE_SERVER_GRPC_CERTS_CERTIFICATEKEYPATH"); found {
c.Server.GRPC.Certs.CertificateKeyPath = val
if val, found := os.LookupEnv("EZSHARE_SERVER_GRPC_CERTS_CERTIFICATEPATH"); found {
c.Server.GRPC.Certs.CertificatePath = val
if val, found := os.LookupEnv("EZSHARE_SERVER_GRPC_LISTENADDR"); found {
c.Server.GRPC.ListenAddr = val
if val, found := os.LookupEnv("EZSHARE_SERVER_HTTP_LISTENADDR"); found {
c.Server.HTTP.ListenAddr = val
// Client stuff
if val, found := os.LookupEnv("EZSHARE_CLIENT_DEFAULTSERVER"); found {
c.Client.DefaultServer = val
if val, found := os.LookupEnv("EZSHARE_CLIENT_CERTS_CERTIFICATEKEYPATH"); found {
c.Client.Certs.CertificateKeyPath = val
if val, found := os.LookupEnv("EZSHARE_CLIENT_CERTS_CERTIFICATEPATH"); found {
c.Client.Certs.CertificatePath = val
if val, found := os.LookupEnv("EZSHARE_CLIENT_SERVERCERTPATH"); found {
c.Client.ServerCertPath = val
return nil
func (sc *ServerConfig) Valid() error {
// Verify that grpc-endpoint is set
if sc.GRPCEndpoint == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("missing require config-value Server.GRPCEndpoint")
// Verify loglevel
switch strings.ToUpper(sc.LogLevel) {
case "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "FATAL":
return fmt.Errorf("config-value Server.LogLevel is invalid")
// Verify datastore config
switch strings.ToLower(sc.DataStoreConfig.Type) {
case "memory":
case "bolt":
if sc.DataStoreConfig.BoltStoreConfig == nil || sc.DataStoreConfig.BoltStoreConfig.Path == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("server datastore is bolt, missing required config value Server.DataStore.Bolt.Path")
return fmt.Errorf("config-value Server.DataStore.Type is invalid")
// Verify filestore config
switch strings.ToLower(sc.FileStoreConfig.Type) {
case "memory":
case "filesystem":
if sc.FileStoreConfig.FSStoreConfig == nil || sc.FileStoreConfig.FSStoreConfig.Dir == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("server datastore is bolt, missing required config value Server.FileStore.FSStore.Path")
case "bolt":
if sc.FileStoreConfig.BoltStoreConfig == nil || sc.FileStoreConfig.BoltStoreConfig.Path == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("server datastore is bolt, missing required config value Server.DataStore.Bolt.Path")
// Verify grpc-config
if sc.GRPC.ListenAddr == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("missing required config-value Server.GRPC.ListenAddr")
if sc.GRPC.CACerts.CertificateKeyPath == "" {
// TODO: Maybe return custom error, so we can create certs if missing
return fmt.Errorf("missing require value Server.GRPC.CACerts.CertificateKeyPath")
if sc.GRPC.CACerts.CertificatePath == "" {
// TODO: Maybe return custom error, so we can create certs if missing
return fmt.Errorf("missing require value Server.GRPC.CACerts.CertificatePath")
if sc.GRPC.Certs.CertificatePath == "" {
// TODO: Maybe return custom error, so we can create certs if missing
return fmt.Errorf("missing require value Server.GRPC.Certs.CertificatePath")
if sc.GRPC.Certs.CertificateKeyPath == "" {
// TODO: Maybe return custom error, so we can create certs if missing
return fmt.Errorf("missing require value Server.GRPC.Certs.CertificateKeyPath")
return nil
func (cc *ClientConfig) Valid() error {
if cc.Certs.CertificateKeyPath == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("missing required value Client.Certs.CertificateKeyPath")
if cc.Certs.CertificatePath == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("missing required value Client.Certs.CertificatePath")
if cc.DefaultServer == "" {
// TODO: Should probably have its own custom error
return fmt.Errorf("missing required value Client.DefaultServer")
if cc.ServerCertPath == "" {
// TODO: Should probably have its own custom error
return fmt.Errorf("missing required value Client.ServerCertPath")
return nil
func (c *Config) Location() string {
return c.location
@ -293,7 +443,7 @@ func (sc *ServerFileStoreConfig) GetStore() (store.FileStore, func() error, erro
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid store config")
func (sc *ServerUserStoreConfig) GetStore() (store.UserStore, func() error, error) {
func (sc *ServerDataStoreConfig) GetStore() (store.DataStore, func() error, error) {
nopCloseFunc := func() error { return nil }
if strings.EqualFold(sc.Type, "bolt") {
s, err := store.NewBoltStore(sc.BoltStoreConfig.Path)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
package config_test
import (
var configStrExample = `
# Server configuration #
# Set server log-level
# Must be one of: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR
# Default: INFO
LogLevel = "INFO"
# Server hostname
# Used for generating links
# Required
Hostname = "localhost"
# Endpoint reachable by clients
# Fetched by clients for automatic setup
# Required
GRPCEndpoint = "localhost:50051"
# File store configuration
# How server stores file
# Must be one of: filesystem, memory, bolt
# Required
Type = "bolt"
# Where the bolt-db is stored
# Required if store-type is bolt
Path = "/data/files.db"
# Where files are stored
# Required if store-type is filesystem
Dir = "/data"
# What store to use for users, certs and binaries
# Must be one of: memory, bolt
# Required
Type = "bolt"
# Path to bolt database-file
# Required if Server.Datastore is bolt
Path = "/data/users.db"
# GRPC Configuration
# Address to listen to
# Default: :50051
ListenAddr = ":50051"
# GRPC Certificate Configuration
# Path of PEM-encoded certificate file
CertificatePath = "/data/ca.pem"
# Path of PEM-encoded private key
# Must be of type ecdsa
CertificateKeyPath = "/data/ca.key"
# Path of PEM-encoded certificate file
CertificatePath = "/data/server.pem"
# Path of PEM-encoded private key
# Must be of type ecdsa
CertificateKeyPath = "/data/server.key"
# Address to listen to
# Default: :8089
ListenAddr = ":8089"
# Client configuration #
# Server used if not specified using command-line
DefaultServer = "localhost:50051"
# Path to PEM-encoder server-certificate
ServerCertPath = "/data/server.pem"
# Path of PEM-encoded certificate file
CertificatePath = "/data/client.pem"
# Path of PEM-encoded private key
# Must be of type ecdsa
CertificateKeyPath = "/data/client.key"
var configStrValidClient = `
DefaultServer = "localhost:50051"
ServerCertPath = "/data/server.pem"
CertificatePath = "/data/client.pem"
CertificateKeyPath = "/data/client.key"
var configStrValidServerMinimal = `
LogLevel = "INFO"
Hostname = "localhost"
GRPCEndpoint = "localhost:50051"
Type = "memory"
Type = "memory"
ListenAddr = ":50051"
CertificatePath = "/data/ca.pem"
CertificateKeyPath = "/data/ca.key"
CertificatePath = "/data/server.pem"
CertificateKeyPath = "/data/server.key"
ListenAddr = ":8089"
var configStrInvalidServerMissingStoreConfig = `
LogLevel = "INFO"
Hostname = "localhost"
GRPCEndpoint = "localhost:50051"
Type = "bolt"
Type = "memory"
ListenAddr = ":50051"
CertificatePath = "/data/ca.pem"
CertificateKeyPath = "/data/ca.key"
CertificatePath = "/data/server.pem"
CertificateKeyPath = "/data/server.key"
ListenAddr = ":8089"
func TestConfig(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("TestValid", func(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
Name string
ConfigString string
ValidForClient bool
ValidForServer bool
Name: "ExampleConfig",
ConfigString: configStrExample,
ValidForClient: true,
ValidForServer: true,
Name: "ServerValidMinimal",
ConfigString: configStrValidServerMinimal,
ValidForServer: true,
Name: "ClientValidMinimal",
ConfigString: configStrValidClient,
ValidForClient: true,
Name: "ServerInvalidMissingStoreConfig",
ConfigString: configStrInvalidServerMissingStoreConfig,
for _, c := range testCases {
t.Run(c.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
sr := strings.NewReader(c.ConfigString)
cfg, err := config.FromReader(sr)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error reading config: %s", err)
if c.ValidForClient && !(cfg.Client.Valid() == nil) {
t.Errorf("Valid config ValidClientConfig returned wrong result: %s", cfg.Client.Valid())
if !c.ValidForClient && (cfg.Client.Valid() == nil) {
t.Errorf("Invalid config ValidClientConfig returned wrong result: %s", cfg.Client.Valid())
if c.ValidForServer && !(cfg.Server.Valid() == nil) {
t.Errorf("Valid config ValidServerConfig returned wrong result: %s", cfg.Server.Valid())
if !c.ValidForServer && (cfg.Server.Valid() == nil) {
t.Errorf("Invalid config ValidServerConfig returned wrong result: %s", cfg.Server.Valid())
t.Run("FromEnv", func(t *testing.T) {
// Unset any existing ezshare env vars
for _, env := range os.Environ() {
if strings.HasPrefix(env, "EZSHARE") {
cfg := config.FromDefault()
// Test Server.LogLevel
if cfg.Server.LogLevel == "WARN" {
t.Errorf("Loglevel is WARN before updating from env.")
if err := cfg.UpdateFromEnv(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error updating config from environment: %s", err)
if cfg.Server.LogLevel != "WARN" {
t.Errorf("Loglevel is not WARN after updating from env.")
// Test Server.Hostname
hostname := ""
os.Setenv("EZSHARE_SERVER_HOSTNAME", hostname)
if err := cfg.UpdateFromEnv(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error updating config from environment: %s", err)
if cfg.Server.Hostname != hostname {
t.Errorf("Hostname is incorrect after updating from env.")
// Test Server.Datastore.Bolt.Path
boltPath := "/data/bolt.db"
if err := cfg.UpdateFromEnv(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error updating config from environment: %s", err)
if cfg.Server.DataStoreConfig.BoltStoreConfig.Path != boltPath {
t.Errorf("Bolt path is incorrect after updating from env.")
// Test Server.Datastore.Bolt.Path
caCertPath := "/data/cert.pem"
if err := cfg.UpdateFromEnv(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error updating config from environment: %s", err)
if cfg.Server.GRPC.CACerts.CertificateKeyPath != caCertPath {
t.Errorf("GPRC CA Cert path is incorrect after updating from env.")
@ -5,16 +5,19 @@
# Set server log-level
# Must be one of: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR
# Default: INFO
LogLevel = "INFO"
# Server hostname
# Used for generating links
# Required
Hostname = "localhost"
# Endpoint reachable by clients
# Fetched by clients for automatic setup
# Required
GRPCEndpoint = "localhost:50051"
# File store configuration
@ -22,52 +25,64 @@ GRPCEndpoint = "localhost:50051"
# How server stores file
# Must be one of: filesystem, memory, bolt
# Required
Type = "bolt"
# Where the bolt-db is stored
# Required if store-type is bolt
Path = "/data/files.db"
# Where files are stored
# Required if store-type is filesystem
Dir = "/data"
# What store to use for users
# What store to use for users, certs and binaries
# Must be one of: memory, bolt
# Required
Type = "bolt"
# Path to bolt database-file
# Required if Server.Datastore is bolt
Path = "/data/users.db"
# GRPC Configuration
# Address to listen to
# Default: :50051
ListenAddr = ":50051"
# GRPC Certificate Configuration
# Path of PEM-encoded certificate file
CertificatePath = ""
# Path of PEM-encoded private key
# Must be of type ecdsa
CertificateKeyPath = ""
# Path of PEM-encoded certificate file
CertificatePath = ""
# Path of PEM-encoded private key
# Must be of type ecdsa
CertificateKeyPath = ""
# Address to listen to
# Default: :8089
ListenAddr = ":8089"
@ -76,13 +91,17 @@ ListenAddr = ":8089"
# Server used if not specified using command-line
DefaultServer = "localhost:50051"
# Path to PEM-encoder server-certificate
ServerCertPath = ""
# Path of PEM-encoded certificate file
CertificatePath = ""
# Path of PEM-encoded private key
# Must be of type ecdsa
CertificateKeyPath = ""
@ -17,6 +17,12 @@ type FileStore interface {
ListFiles() ([]*pb.ListFilesResponse_ListFileInfo, error)
type DataStore interface {
type CertificateStore interface {
GetCertificate(serial string) (*x509.Certificate, error)
StoreCertificate(cert *x509.Certificate) error
Reference in New Issue
Block a user