# dogtamer example config file # Hostname used when generating m3u playlist # Default: "localhost # ENV: DOGTAMER_HOSTNAME Hostname = "localhost" # Address to listen to for incoming rtmp connections # Default: ":5566" # ENV: DOGTAMER_RTMPLISTENADDR RTMPListenAddr = ":5566" # Log level # Default: INFO # Possible values: "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR" # ENV: DOGTAMER_LOGLEVEL LogLevel = "INFO" # Enable HTTP-server # Default: False # ENV: DOGTAMER_HTTPSERVERENABLE HTTPServerEnable = true # HTTP Listen address # Default: ":8077" # ENV: DOGTAMER_HTTPLISTENADDR HTTPListenAddr = ":8077" # Enable HTTP access logging # Default: true # ENV: DOGTAMER_HTTPACCESSLOGENABLE HTTPAccessLogEnable = true # Enable metrics collection # Default: false # ENV: DOGTAMER_METRICSENABLE MetricsEnable = true